
Guinevere and the Divinity Factory #2 - Magic Meets Sci-Fi

Created by Preston Poulter

Receive a free PDF copy of issue 1 just by clicking on the link in the description. CAMPAIGN EXCLUSIVE COVER never offered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

For our first stretch goal, we have an EXCLUSICE look at another sexy super heroine
about 4 years ago – Sun, Mar 01, 2020 at 02:58:56 PM

This is the exclusive cover I commissioned for White Widow #4. I loved it so much, I paid the artist extra do create the Guinevere Make 100 campaign which immediately preceded this one. As you know, it was a huge hit. 

I have spoken with Benny over at Absolute Comics and he has guaranteed me shipment of these books in the next week or two. Meaning I should have them in my hot little hands before the end of this campaign. 

And, since this campaign is doing well, I though, let's try a stretch goal. This stretch goal will apply to all rewards tiers ABOVE AND INCLUDING the $29 Miss Sashi variant cover. 

At $7500, all who qualify may purchase a copy of this comic at half of it's $20 cover price. Only 500 of this particular comic book are ever going to exist, and it's a sexy image that seems rather popular. So backers of Guinevere will be able to buy one of my customer covers of White Widow #4 for $10. 

At $10000, all who qualify will receive a 100% FREE copy of White Widow #4. 

More than halfway there in the first 22 hours
about 4 years ago – Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 02:49:40 AM

It's up, up and away for yet another Guinevere campaign. I'm really exited that so many people have come to love this property. 

After this, comes White Lily #5, which a lot of you are also anticipating. 

Something I started doing is working tarot motifs into the comic artwork. Here's an interior page from White Lily #5 that references a tarot card. 

Any guesses as to which one?

White Lily #5, interior page

This campaign is less than 8 hours old and already a sure thing to finish in the money
about 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 08:04:27 AM

Well everybody,

Here we are. There's been a lot of talk about this campaign and its creator. A lot of voices told me that this campaign would never exceed issue 1 because second issues tend to sell less than the first, or because I took a controversial stand on the internet. 

Thanks to you, we proved them wrong. This project is going to be a success! Hard to save exactly where it will end up because early predictions have a low level of accuracy, but let's just say I'm going to start planning a stretch goal for the first campaign ever. 

And when you hear about it, I think you're going to become very excited. 

Just wait!
